Junior Methods Level Resources
All Methods level (300) courses require teacher candidates to have:
- Active subscription to Tevera.
Information about teaching and lesson plans, time tracking, observations, evaluations, and course assignment rubrics will be recorded and scored within Tevera. - Current NEA Student Membership for the current academic year to provide liability coverage for teacher candidates working in a school classroom with real students. Proof of membership is required prior to beginning classroom fieldwork. Upload the Welcome letter/email in Tevera. Students can also check their membership status and this same link -SEE AT LEFT.
NEA Annual Membership Link
- Current academic year background check report from Safe Hiring Solutions (SEE AT LEFT)
Safe Hiring Solutions link for Hanover College Education Preparation Program
Decision Point 2
Decision Point 2 is the process for determining readiness for a student teaching assignment. Decision Point 2 Assignments in in Tevera similar to a course's assignments.
The Department will provide specific training for DP 2 students early in the junior year as the portfolio PowerPoint is created throughout the Methods courses.
Please refer to the following link to the Decision Point 2 Guide to help understand the process for creating the PowerPoint Portfolio and Presentation.