This is where your journey as an educator begins!
We are excited that you are considering the demanding but rewarding career in Education! At Hanover College, students wishing to explore becoming a teacher should begin by taking EDU 221: Education and the American Culture in their first year on campus if at all possible. It is offered both Fall and Winter terms each academic year to accommodate all interested students and is a prerequisite for admission to the Program. We typically do not accept transfers of a similar course - it is important for all students to obtain the same pre-program preparation. First year students may apply for admission in March of the first year if they meet all admission requirements. The final application deadline is October 1 of the sophomore year.
The Hanover College Education Department offers three majors: Elementary Education (Grades K-6), Secondary Education (Grades 5-12) which must be paired with a content area major, and the NEW Education Studies major. The Education Studies Major does NOT lead to certification or licensing so does not require program admission and will assist with obtaining alternative teacher licensure outside of Hanover College.
There is also an Education Studies minor, which pairs with many Hanover College majors. Please see the Hanover College catalog for more information!
Prior to formal admission, students may also take the following:
EDU 172: Exploring the Arts (required for Elementary Education)
EDU 203: Introduction to Assessment (required for both Elementary and Secondary candidates)
EDU 226: Educational Technology (required for Secondary Education major and recommended as an elective for all)
EDU 231: Education Law and Ethics (required for both Elementary and Secondary Education)
EDU 240: Children's Literature (required for Elementary Education and recommended for English majors seeking certification.
EDU 242: The Science of Reading (required for both Elementary and Secondary Education)
Students may also take the Special Education courses at any time and in any order. These are:
EDU 252: Professional Collaboration
EDU 254: Special Education Law and Policy
EDU 255: Classroom Management and Positive Behavioral Interventions Support (PBIS)
EDU 256: Learning Environments and Transitions
Please note that the following courses should be taken after most other Special Education Courses and after EDU 203
EDU 206: Special Education Assessment: Literacy
EDU 207: Special Education Assessment: Mathematics
It is highly recommended that all Education students take as many of the special education courses that they can fit into their schedule, even if not interested in the dual certification as the knowledge from these courses benefit all teachers.
Decision Point One (Program Admission)
Students apply for admission to the Educator Preparation Program in TEVERA and therefore must have an active subscription in order to apply. Information about Tevera is available on our RESOURCES AND DOCUMENTS tab.
There are two application periods in each academic year:
OCTOBER: Sophomores who have completed or are currently enrolled in EDU 221 may apply by the first Monday of October .
MARCH: First years students and sophomores and above who have completed or are enrolled in EDU 221 may apply by the first Monday of March.
Emergency application can be made for juniors by appeal to the head of Educator Preparation, Dr. Dustin Bailey.
Click on the following link to download our How To Guide.
How To Guide to Applying for Program Admission in Tevera
Neither Elementary or Secondary Education Major s can be declared without formal certification program admission.
Education Studies majors do not require program admission but do not lead to licensing certification at Hanover College.
Requirements for admission are:
EDU 221
Applicants must complete the course with C or above with good feedback from field experience.
Applicants are required to have an overall GPA of 2.67 or higher for admission to the Educator Preparation Program. For early admission, this will be confirmed after Winter grades are posted.
(Please note that a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required in the major in order to meet Decision Point 2 at the end of the Junior year)
Faculty Recommendations
Applicants specify two faculty members who have taught them in a class to recommend them to the Program. Applicants should ask for permission from the professor. EDU professors and those who serve on TEC are ineligible to recommend students to the EPP.
Application Essay
The essay is written as an assignment in EDU 221 and must have received at least a C grade. This essay is to be uploaded as part of the application and will be reviewed by TEC members. Keep in mind that liking kids or wanting to coach is NOT a philosophy of education.
Applicants go through two different interviews as part of the application process: members of the Teacher Education Committee (TEC) will interview the applicant based on their essay content and our Clinical Educator Teacher Panelists will complete an interview pertaining to professional teacher dispositions. Both interviews are scored by a rubric in Tevera. Watch for emails to help you schedule these interviews and reply promptly!
Letter of Admission
Formal letters of Admission are sent from the Chair of the Teacher Education Committee of Hanover College. This is part of your official student record. and students will proceed to Decision Point 2, the details of which are outlined under ADMITTED TEACHER CANDIDATES tab at the top of this page.
A Candidate Induction Ceremony is held each fall term for students admitted the previous academic year.
More details on the requirements can be found in the current Hanover Course Catalog and under the FAQ tab at top left.
The Education Department faculty and staff are available to help with any questions students have!
Just click on the name below:
Mrs. Cheryl Torline, Licensing Advisor and Educator Preparation Program Student Services Coordinator