Secondary Education Dual Major and Certification is available in the following areas:
- Chemistry
- Earth and Space Science (Geology Major)
- Life Science (Biology or Environmental Biology Major)
- Physics
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Social Studies (Economics, Government (Political Science Major), Historical Perspectives (History Major, Psychology, Sociology)
- Physical Education and Health
- World Languages (French, German, Spanish)
The Hanover College secondary teacher programs have been approved by the Indiana Department of Education and have been awarded accreditation by CAEP. Secondary Education students declare their majors in both their teaching content area and Secondary Education. Students must have formal admission to the program from the Teacher Education Committee (TEC) to take 300 and 400 upper level "methods" education courses of 314, 315, and 33X (X denoted by content area). Secondary candidates have both a major academic advisor and an education advisor who meet with students often to ensure that their course of study is on track for achieving their degree and certification. Basic teacher certification for secondary candidates in specific circumstances but students are advised that their preparation is very limited.
Hanover College students who seek secondary or all grade certification and licensing must meet the entrance criteria and be admitted into the Teacher Education Program via application to the Teacher Education Committee.
Teacher Candidates must meet all teacher certification requirements.
- Successful Final Evaluation by Student Teaching Clinical Educator Mentor with 90% effectiveness rating
- Successful Decision Point 3 interview and video presentation to a group of external scorers who are all current or former educators and stakeholders and passing scores on ETS Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching pedagogy exam.
- Bachelor's Degree
Upon awarding of the Bachelor degree and passing of state-required licensure exams in both content area and pedagogy, along with certification in CPR and in suicide prevention training, program completers are eligible to apply for a profession teaching license. The Hanover College Educator Preparation Program is designed to meet the standards set forth by Indiana. It is highly recommended that all program completers obtain the initial license in Indiana and then apply for other states' licensing as a licensed teacher by reciprocity.
Teacher Candidates in any Secondary Education Program may complete a dual-certification program in Special Education (Mild Interventions) which includes six additional courses offered in evenings and online in summer. The student teaching assignment will be split between regular classroom and a special education classroom. There is an additional licensure exam required for dual licensing.
Secondary teacher candidates must complete all requirements for their major (i.e. comprehensive examinations, thesis papers, etc.). The Secondary Education major also requires a senior seminar course (EDU 461) and an assessment course (EDU 403).
* After initial licensing in one of the above areas, Indiana teachers may add additional content area(s) to their license by passing the corresponding licensure test. (i.e. geography, sociology, psychology, mathematics, etc.)
Secondary Education candidates may appeal for certification only without the additional courses required for the Secondary major but will have a less complete preparation experience. Appeals are considered on an individual basis.
For more information, please contact the education department chair, Dr. Dustin Bailey or Student Services Coordinator and Licensing Advisor, Mrs. Cheryl Torline